Founder & president

Hazrat Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi

Founder & President

Born on October 17th, 1927, in Saharanpur, UP, Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi is a direct descendant of Hazrat Abu Ayub Al-Ansari, a close companion and host of our last Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.A.W) in Madina. After the Indo-Pak partition in 1947, Azeemi Sahib spent 16 years under the guardianship of Syed Muhammad Azeem “Barkhia” (1896-1979), also known as Qalander Baba Auliya, the founder of the Sufi order Silsila-e-Azeemia.

Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi is now known as one of Pakistan’s most renowned Islamic scholars and hakeem. He is the editor-in-chief of two digests, namely Mahanama Qalandar Sha’oor and Rohani Digest. He has written numerous articles on soulful topics,dream interpretations,color therapy, issues faced by modern readers,and human psychology in various newspapers and digests distributed across Pakistan. Moreover, he has written and published 61 books on diverse topics, ranging from spiritualism, parapsychology, and alternative medicine to the biography of our last Holy Prophet Muhammad(S.A.A.W), as well as 61 booklets covering similar themes. Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi has also served as a visiting professor at Bahauddin Zakaria University, teaching his students subjects related to ethical and spiritual practices (Tasawuff) and spiritual sensory, which were included in the university’s M.A. Islamiat curriculum.

The educational and spiritual blessings of Sir Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi are not limited to Pakistan but have also reached a global audience. He has traveled to universities abroad, teaching and training not only students but also professors in the aforementioned subjects. Furthermore, he has conducted, attended, and initiated several international conferences based on sensory knowledge and spiritual conduct. Since 1969, Khawaja Shamsuddin Sahib has met thousands of people suffering from various ailments and issues and has addressed their problems (through in-person meetings, letter writing, or telecommunications) via spiritual rejuvenation and hikmat. He specializes in alternative healing methods, including natural remedies, meditation, color therapy, and energy healing.

Moreover, Azeemi Sahib aims to promote universal love, peace, harmony, and compassion among human beings, regardless of color, race, or faith. He initiated Adam’s Day, celebrated annually on August 10 in London, Manchester, New York, and Canada, to promote peace and unity in society, reminding mankind that each human being is a child of Adam and Eve. This day allows different ethnicities to come together and recognize the common values and beliefs they share. Under the guidance of Sir Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi, the supervisors of the Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Educational Society (KSAES) have constructed a modern school, the Azeemi Public Higher Secondary School.

The mission of the school is to provide quality education by incorporating the latest technological and educational facilities for students from all social classes. In 2006, Barkhia Memorial Hospital was established under the supervision of Azeemi Sahib. He intended for the hospital to help humanity without expecting monetary gain. This initiative exemplifies his service out of love for the community. His connection to the hospital began in his childhood at the age of 11, which laid the foundation for its essence. He recounts: “Once, I wounded my finger and went to a nearby hospital run by the Jains, practitioners of an ancient Indian religion. For 1 paisa, my wounded finger was treated with a cloth bandage, and I was told to return the next day. However, due to financial constraints, I didn’t visit the hospital the next day. Later, I encountered the hospital administrator in the market, who asked why I hadn’t come. I replied, ‘I didn’t have enough money.’ He then asked, ‘Have you ever heard of a hospital fee as low as 1 paisa?’ He told me not to worry about the money and to get my bandage renewed. As I entered, I looked up at the hospital, thanked Allah, and prayed to create such a foundation myself one day to help people in any way I could.”

During the inauguration of Markazi Muraqbah Hall in 1988, Azeemi Sahib announced his goal of establishing a school, a hospital, and a university. Alhamdulillah, with the grace of Allah, the school and hospital have been established, and the university is currently in progress.

Hazrat Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi

Founder & President

Born on october 17th, 1927, in saharanpur, up, khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi, is the direct descendant of hazrat abu ayub al-ansari; a close companion & host of our last Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.A.W) in Madina. After the indo-pak partition in 1947, Azeemi sahib spent 16 years under the guardianship of Syed Muhammad Azeem “Barkhia” (1896-1979), also known as Qalander baba Auliya, who is the founder of the Sufi order Silsila-e-Azeemia.

Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi, is now known as one of pakistan’s most renowned islamic scholars and hakeem. He is the editor in chief of two digests, namely the mahanama qalandar sha’oor and the rohani digest. He has written numerous articles about soulful topics, dream interpretations, color therapy, problems associated with the modern reader, and human psychology in various newspapers and digests that tare distributed across pakistan. Moreover, he has written and published 61 books on diverse topics ranging from spiritualism, parapsychology, and alternative medicine to the biography of our last the holy prophet Muhammad (s.A.A.W), in addition to 61 booklets regarding a similar range of themes. Khawaja shams uddin azeemi has also served as a visiting professor at the bahauddin zakaria university. He taught his students subjects related to; ethical and spiritual practices (tasawuff) as well as spiritual sensory which were also included in the university’s m.A. Islamiat curriculum.

The educational and spiritual blessings of sir khawaja shams uddin azeemi are not just limited to pakistan but have also transpired globally. He has travelled to universities abroad, taught and trained not only students but also professors along the lines of the aforementioned subjects.

Furthermore, he has conducted, attended, and even initiated quite a few international conferences based on the subject of sensory knowledge and spiritual conduct. Since the year 1969, khawaja Shamsuddin Sahib, has met thousands of people suffering from various ailments and issues and has solved their problems (by either physically meeting, letter writing, or use of telecommunications) through spiritual rejuvenation and hikmat. He also specializes in alternative methods of healing varying from natural remedies and medicines, meditation, color therapy and energy healing.

Moreover, Azeemi sahib aims to promote universal love, peace, harmony and compassion between human beings, regardless of one’s color, race or faith. He initiated adam’s day, which is conducted every year on the 10th of august in london, manchester, new york and canada to promote peace and unity in society with the aim of reminding mankind that each human being is child of adam and eve. This day allows different ethnicities to come together and recognize the common values and beliefs that they all share. Under the guidance of sir khawaja shams uddin Azeemi the supervisors of the khawaja shams uddin Azeemi educational society (ksaes) have constructed a modern school, the Azeemi public higher secondary school.

The mission of the school is to provide quality education by incorporating the latest technological and educational facilities to students coming from all social classes. In 2006, the
Barkhia Memorial Hospital, was laid under the supervision of Azeemi sahib. He intended the hospital to help humanity without the expectations of yielding some kind of monetary gain. It was just another example of his service for the sake of love, which he tirelessly performs for our community. His connection with the hospital started way back during an occurrence in his childhood days at the age of 11 that constructed the foundation of the essence of this hospital. He states: ‘once I wounded my finger and went to a nearby hospital in my area which was run by the jains-people of an ancient indian religion. With 1 paisa, my wounded finger was administered with a cloth bandage and I was told to come back the next day. When the day came however, due to lack of money, I didn’t go to visit the hospital. Later in the day, the administrator of the hospital and I crossed paths in the market, where he asked me for the reason behind my non-appearance, to which I replied, “I didn’t have enough money….” he then asked me, “have you ever heard of a hospital fee as low as 1 paisa? “and told me not to worry about the money, that I should go get my bandage renewed. As I entered, I looked up at the hospital, thanked allah and prayed to create such a foundation myself one day and help facilitate people in whatever way I could….

Azeemi sahib, on the inauguration of markazi muraqbah hall, back in 1988, accounced his goal of achieving the establishment of a school, a hospital and a university. Alhamdulillah, by the grace of allah the founding of the school and hospital have been achieved, and the university is currently under process.